For the summer 2018, CNF hosted six of its own REU students. In addition, Undergraduate Researchers from two other programs (PARADIM and KEP) were included in our activities to make a larger cohort. Each student completed an individual 10 week research project in a laboratory affiliated with CNF. The final reports for each student’s project at linked below.

The REU program wrapped up on campus with presentations by all the CNF affiliated REU students (CNF, PARADIM, and KEP). Videos of these presentations are linked below.
As customary, the CNF REU program culminated in the NNCI REU Convocation, where REU students from across the network gathered for a 3-day technical symposium to share their results with their peers. The 2018 NNCI REU Convocation was held at the NNCI site at North Carolina State University. The six CNF REU students participated as well as the six IREU students listed above.