During the summer of 2023, the Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility hosted a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CNF REU) Program. We hired seven undergraduates + one graduate student from Japan! They are pictured in the banner above, in alpha order by last name (photos mostly provided by the REU Undergraduate Researchers).
They are pictured below too, in the CNF cleanroom -- Toko Ogata, Daniel Harrison, Paul Bloom, Sam Averitt, Amara Taddeo, Astrid Dzotcha, Bryan Kim (in back), and Naomi Naranjo (photo by Ron Olson) -- and their final reports are below along with their convocation videos.
Also during the summer of 2023, CNF hosted the Global Quantum Leap International Research Training Experience (GQL IRTE) Program (three Undergraduate Researchers) and the second year program for NNCI REUs, the International Research Experiences for Undergraduates (CNF iREU) Program (five Undergraduate Researchers). More on these international programs can be found here. All their final reports are in this booklet....