If you have an active Cornell NetID...
Are you a current student, postdoc, faculty, visiting scientist, or staff at Cornell?
STOP! You do NOT need to get a Cornell GuestID. You will use your Cornell NetID and password to access CNF systems.
Are you a former student (ie alum), postdoc, faculty, visiting scientist, or staff at Cornell?
STOP! You do NOT need to get a Cornell GuestID. You will use your Cornell NetID and password to access CNF systems. Contact CNF Computing to reactivate your Cornell NetID and DUO two step authentication.
If you have forgotten your NetID password, you can reset your netid password online or in person by contacting the Cornell IT Service Desk.
If you do NOT have an active Cornell NetID...
Electronically register for a Cornell GuestID with the registration page linked below (Note: You may already have a Cornell GuestID from accessing other Cornell services or the CNF at a previous time). Contact CNF Computing to reactivate inactive Cornell NetIDs in lieue of registering for a GuestID.
Use the following information when requesting your GuestID:
- Group Name: RS-CNF-GuestID
- Purpose: Please enter your CNF Project # (joining an existing project); or PI and institution (starting a new project)