Tours of the cleanroom are limited to valid technical visitors (sponsoring agencies, collaborators, prospective researchers, principal investigators, etc.). Casual visitors, friends and family can be shown around the public hallways, but must not be taken into the cleanroom or labs.
Tours of any participant size can be accommodated with proper pre-planning with the CNF staff. Fill out the tour request form at least two weeks in advance of the intended date of your visit. Tours can also be led by CNF Users with at least 24-hour notice, but in this case are limited to FOUR visitors for ONE CNF User tour guide or EIGHT visitors for TWO CNF User guides. Any group over eight visitors requires staff assistance. Again, complete the tour request form at least two weeks before your intended visit date.
Click here to request a Tour of the CNF.
- Tours are limited to a walkthrough of the facility, last no more than one hour in length, and must not include any demonstration or operation of equipment or processing steps.
- Visitors must sign in with the receptionist/administrative staff prior to the actual cleanroom/lab tour.
- Tours outside of normal business hours (8:30a-4:30p, M-F) can be arranged ahead of time with the receptionist.
- Visitor Badges will be issued and need to be returned when the tour is done.
- Visitors need to follow Cornell's COVID-19 requirements for visitors if not part of the Cornell community and need to follow the CNF dress code: closed cover clean and dry shoes (no boots or sandals), socks, ankle length pants, and shirts that run from shoulders to pants. Visitors not dressed appropriately will not be allowed in the Cleanroom/Lab.
- Visitors are to use the single-use one-piece disposable Tyvek Suits for tours (pictured below) — Not the normal cleanroom 4-piece reusable suits that CNF Researchers use. Safety glasses and gloves are required for cleanroom tours.
- Visitors may take photos (assist with wiping down camera phones) provided any researcher in the photo has given approval and no flashes are used.