"Advances in the Semiconductor Industry"
Date: Tuesday, April 25th, 2023
Time: 9:00AM - 4:30PM (Eastern)
University at Albany SUNY
ETEC, Albany, NY
On Tuesday, April 25th, the Cornell NanoScale Facility and the University at Albany SUNY hosted the second New York State Nanotechnology Network (NNN) Symposium geared toward connecting NYS undergraduate and graduate students with our NYS industry partners for the purpose of learning about and discussing "Advances in the Semiconductor Industry." The day included a morning session with student, government, and industry talks, and an afternoon Poster Session & Career Fair!
Eight students presented talk and 43 students presented posters.
Please join us in congratulating our student award winners!
Best Student Posters
Julia Garrison
SUNY Polytechnic Institute
"Bio Roll-Up: Controlling the Timing of Self-Assembly for 3D Cell Growth"
Chandu Savant
Cornell University
"Efficient and Stable Activation of Phosphorous Doped Silicon Nanosheets Above its Solubility Limit by Microwave Annealing"
Udara Somarathna
Binghamton University
"Fabrication, Characterization, and Thermal Reliability of Printed Vias on Flexible Substrates"
Best Student Poster (Shared)
Zexi Liang
Cornell University
Melody Lim
Cornell University
"Precise Self-Assembly of Colloidal Structures using Wafer-Scale Fabricated Magnetic Microparticles with Controlled Shape and Magnetic Patterns"
Best Student Talk
Jeelka Solanki
SUNY Polytechnic Institute
"Development of a Microcontroller-Driven Testing Platform for Low-Power, Resistive Memory-Based In-Memory Computing"
Keynote Speakers

Invited Speakers