Via the ATLAS Program, CNF Helps Develop a Workforce

Thomas Pennell, education and outreach coordinator and a process integration specialist at CNF, is the creator and lead instructor for a two-week Accelerated Training for Labor Advancement in Semiconductors (ATLAS) Program
Thomas Pennell, education and outreach coordinator and a process integration specialist at CNF, is the creator and lead instructor for a two-week Accelerated Training for Labor Advancement in Semiconductors (ATLAS) Program, one that provides public high school students with a foundation in nanoscale science.

"The goal is to give the students, in a very compact format, a really good view of all the things you can do in the microfabrication environment as well as cleanroom career paths," Pennell said.

The program is part of a larger effort at CNF to help prepare a regional workforce for the opportunities ahead – as Micron Technology prepares to break ground in Clay, New York, on what may become the largest microchip fabrication facility in the country. Micron alone could bring an estimated 50,000 jobs to the region, but many of those jobs will require some degree of training. CNF aims to help with that!