2024 NNN Symposium Corporate Sponsor Invitation

We cordially invite companies, especially New York State companies, to sponsor the 2024 New York State Nanotechnology Network (NNN) Symposium, being held at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) on Friday, September 27th. 



There are four levels of sponsorship. All four levels help pay for basic symposium expenses (staff support, meals, and print materials like name tags, proceedings, and attendees list). In addition Levels 2, 3, and 4 will be given access to a compiled PDF of student CVs. Other perks of each level are detailed below.

[1] Symposium Sponsor (Level 1), $500:
The basic Level 1 "Symposium Sponsorship" for $500 includes TWO complimentary registrations and the company's logo on the symposium website and in the symposium materials. Please note the Level 1 sponsorship does not include a table or display at the Career Fair.

[2] Symposium & Student Participation Sponsor (Level 2), $1000:
The Level 2 "Symposium & Student Sponsorship" for $1000 includes the following perks: THREE complimentary registrations, the company's logo on the symposium website and in the symposium materials, a table (or display space) at the Career Fair, and finally, assisting off-site students in attending the symposium to present their work. This assistance will be gratefully acknowledged in the student's talk or poster and in the proceedings.

[3] Symposium & Student Awards Sponsor (Level 3), $2500:
The Level 3 "Symposium & Student Awards Sponsor" for $2500 includes the following perks: FOUR complimentary registrations, the company's logo on the symposium website and in the symposium materials, a table (or display space) at the Career Fair, and finally, Level 3 will fund the Best Poster Awards for students, which will be gratefully acknowledged on the award certificates and on the website (once awarded). (Typically three students are presented with a poster award.)

[4] Future of NNN Symposium Sponsor (Level 4), $5000:
The Level 4 "Future of NNN Symposium Sponsor" for $5000 includes the following perks: FIVE complimentary registrations, the company's logo on the symposium website and in the symposium materials, a table (or display space) at the Career Fair, and each Level 4 sponsor will fund one Best Talk Award for one student, which will be gratefully acknowledged on the award certificate and on the website (once awarded). Finally, Level 4 sponsors provide seed funds for future efforts and future hosts of New York State Nanotechnology Network (NNN) Symposiums. This level is critical in guaranteeing that the mission of the NNN will not be lost, but will carry forward for the next generation of students and their connections to New York State corporations!


To start the process of becoming an NNN Symposium Sponsor, please email Melanie-Claire Mallison [email] with the following information:

Your Company:
Your Full Name:
Your Title within the Company:
Your Company's Complete Street Address:
Your Phone Number (including area code):
Your Sponsorship Level:

Along with the information above, please attach an electronic version of your company logo -- any size and format is fine, but the highest resolution possible is appreciated.

Thank you!

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